In the name of ALLAH, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

TOPIC: MUSLIM WOMEN; AN ASSET OR A LIABILTY Presented by Mrs. Taiwo Muibat Abudu

An ASSET is a valuable quality, skill or person while a LIABILITY is simply a BURDEN. These two keywords are the opposite of each other.
Every responsible human being has different values and interests e.g. the only thing a Jew value most is its race, for a capitalist is currency, to a democrat democracy and a comrade is socialism but the highest value of a Muslim is ALLAH, meeting his pleasure and admittance into paradise, while a capitalist restricts the value of man to money.
A Muslimah is a woman holding strictly to her faith and aqeedah not controlled by social vices e.g. nudity and indecency regardless of the persecution. QURAN 85 Verses 8-9
Says, “They had naught against themselves that they believe in ALLAH the Mighty, the Owner of praise, unto Him belongth the sovereignty of the heavens and earth and ALLAH is of ALL things the waters”
Hence the basis of our assessment differs in value and appreciation. ALLAH is the highest value to a Muslimah, thus holding through to his wills which shall subsequently grant her his pleasures here and thereafter. QURAN 41 Verse 30
Says, “Lo’ those who say Our Lord is ALLAH and afterwards are upright, the angels descend upon them saying fear not nor grieve but hear good tidings of the paradise which ye has promised”.
Highest value to a Jew for instance is his race, to a capitalist is money, to a democrat is democracy, and to a comrade is socialism. Assets as suggested by the topic should not be limited to monetary value rather other things money cannot buy e.g. morals, discipline, happiness, knowledge and wisdom. Infact useful attributes beyond monetary capacity. An attempt to create a balance society, Muslim women is resources that cannot be undermined. As men have the vision, the woman makes the image by determining what goes round in the society.
Man activities and vibrancy are propelled and stimulated by serene atmosphere created at home by Muslim women.
As an image maker, Muslim women help in transforming morality and discipline into the society through trained children. This is an asset beyond what money can buy. However, it’s not an easy task for a woman to be an asset. It’s really a very hard and tasking work; we can be an asset in three dimensions (a) our duty to ALLAH (S.W.T.) We must obey ALLAH and do things in accordance to His will. QURAN 16 Verses 60-61
Says, “Did I not command you oh children of Adam that you should not worship satan. Verily it’s plain enemy to you and that you should worship Me alone (Islamic Monotheism) and set up not rivals and associate gods with me that is the straight path”.
ALLAH says we should believe in His faith, observe sallat, fast in the month of Ramadan, pay Zakat and perform Hajj if you can. For a woman who obeys ALLAH surely she is an asset because the faith will guide her and make her walk on the path of paradise. On the other hand a Muslimah must perform her responsibility to her husband. She must obey him and guide his property and be loyal and faithful to her husband.
The righteous women are devotedly obedient to ALLAH and to their husband and guard in the husband’s absence what ALLAH orders them to guard e.g. their chastity, their husband’s property. QURAN 4 Verse 34
Says, “Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because ALLAH has given one more strength than the other and because they support them from their means”. Therefore righteous women are devotedly obedient and guard in the husband’s absence what ALLAH would have them guard.
Still on obedience Abu Hurairah narrated: ALLAH’s apostle said “If a husband calls his wife to his bed and she refuses and causes him to in anger, the angels will curse her till morning” (Bukhari)
On the issue of chastity we know how wild a man would become if he discovers infidelity on the part of his wife. A Muslimah must also keep the role of a good mother, she must breast feed her baby for 2years as stated in the Quran, she must also acquire sound education because the mother suppose to be the first teacher and it’s difficult for one to impact what you don’t have. A Muslimah must be sound morally and academically.
The hope of a mother should be to make her offspring a better Muslim than her and besides be able to fit into the society. Women companions had a very great love for their children. The displayed great sense of responsibility in bringing up their children QURAN 31 Verse 17
Says, “O my son perform salat and enjoy on people Islamic Monotheism and all that is good and forbid people from disbelieving in the oneness of ALLAH. Of all kinds and all that is evil and bad and bear with patience whatever befalls on you”.
Verily these are some of the important commandment ordered by ALLAH with no exemption. It’s also important to do our duty to the society as a Muslimah. We must lay a very good example by doing what is right not only say what is right; we must wear Ijab, obey ALLAH, encourage virtues and discourage vices. We must be relevant and have positive effect on the people around us. We should be a good ambassador to Al-Islam in our community.
Let’s look at the role of our mother Aisha; she is an outstanding scholar, deeply loved by her husband (P.B.U.H.) for her support and sincerity, she is highly intelligent, she has a keen mind and memory and no fewer than 2210 Hadiths are narrated on her authority. She is so special in many ways and Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) was proud of her good quality.
For a Muslimah to be an asset a great work has to be done just as I’ve enumerated above that is she must obey ALLAH, her husband, she must do her duty as a wife, mother, sister, co-wives, and mother-in-law and more importantly as an exemplary Muslim Sister worthy of emulation. If all these are neglected may ALLAH forbid, one can later be a burden or a liability.
So it’s up to us whether we want to be an asset like Aisha or a liability like the women of the world.


- The Glorious Quran
Muhammed Imran - Sinful Women
Dr. Muhammed Ali Al-Haslin - Ideal Muslimah
Majhsud Ulama of South Africa - Pious Woman
- Feminism and Muslim Women
Al- Mar’afu Solihah -The Pious Women


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